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Rosary Team

Crusader's Prayer - Brushed Aluminum Print

Crusader's Prayer - Brushed Aluminum Print

Regular price $46.73 USD
Regular price Sale price $46.73 USD
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God of Virtue and Valor,

Lancelot, King Arthur,

and other knights of old,

in legend or reality, lay prostrate

before Your cathedral altars

in all-night-vigils of fealty

and humility.

They vowed, in Your Holy Name, to live spotless, exemplary, moral lives

in service to a king or overlord.

They pledged to defend their feudal liege, to right wrongs, to aid

the defenseless, and to stand up

always for the weak and the poor.

Arrayed in under-coats of chain mail,

suits of shining armor, gauntlets

and steel helmets, they were armed

with swords, daggers, pikes

and lances.

They served as the "Law and Order”

of the Middle Ages.


Brushed Aluminum Print

Your Icon printed on brushed aluminum looks amazing and lasts a lifetime. As it is light it is well-suited also for large formats and art pieces. Colors are highly saturated, even in large monochrome areas. The print is matte and glare-free. Icons look especially stunning.

  • Direct printing – Image is printed straight onto the surface of the aluminum Dibond panel
  • The brushed aluminum adds texture and depth to your icon
  • Matte and glare-free
  • The grain direction is horizontal
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